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"The friends and connections I've made through my involvement in the MTA not only are a resource that help me manage my business, but many have become personal friends.  


The MTA is a strong and respected voice for our members in the State Legislature, MnDOT and the State Patrol as well as being well respected nationally."

Mel Simon, President, Styer Transportation

MTA member of 32 years


What is the MTA all about? 

The MTA's mission is to serve as the voice for a safe and successful Minnesota Trucking industry through advocacy, education, and focused initiatives.

That means...

  • Serving as your voice of trucking at the Minnesota State Capitol on legislative issues that impact your business.

  • Providing professional development to your entire operation, including your safety team, maintenance team, operations, human resources and executives. 

  • Working to generate positive media coverage about trucking and enhance the image of the industry.

  • Helping recruit talent into the Minnesota trucking industry.

  • Being your go to resource for vendor referrals, safety and compliance questions, and issues involving state and federal agencies.

  • Providing products, programs and services designed to reduce your operating costs and help you efficiently comply with regulations. 

Membership Dues

Membership dues keep our Minnesota trucking industry strong by supporting initiatives that keep your business safe and successful.  The MTA's Board of Directors, made up of fleets of all sizes, determines the dues brackets.  Each for hire carrier member pays their fair share based on revenue and the number of miles traveled on Minnesota roadways.  You DO NOT need to disclose your total revenue to become a member.  Use the Dues Calculator to find your dues amount.  Then join online or call/email Dana to join via email.  


Questions?  Questions? Call Dana Gutierrez at (651) 646-7351 Option 2 or email


Dues Amount Based on Minnesota Revenue

% Total Miles Driven in Minnesota (MN Miles/Total Miles) x Total Revenue = Minnesota Revenue

Based on IFTA Miles & Revenues from previous calendar year

Up to $400,000………………………………………………………………………..$360
$400,001- $600,000…………………………………………………………………..$610
$600,001- $850,000…………………………………………………………………..$825
$850,001- $1,000,000 (Company HQ in MN)…………………………………...$1,100
$850,001- $1,665,000 (Company HQ not in MN)………………………………$1,100
$1,000,000 + (Company HQ in MN) Calculate (0.00110) x MN Revenue______________= $ _______ (max $6,625)

$1,665,000 + (Company HQ not in MN) Calculate (0.000662) x MN Revenue _____________= $ _______ (max $6,625)




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