membership directory
We are pleased to provide you with a valuable membership benefit: the 2024 edition of the Minnesota Trucking Association Membership Directory.
A quick scan at the contents shows that the Minnesota Trucking Association remains a vital, strong and diverse organization. Our carrier members come from every corner of the state and represent every type of trucking operation, both large and small. Our allied members reflect the varied resources needed to support successful trucking operations.
More than just names on a page, these listings represent active and committed members. Your passion, time and financial support are the fuel that make the Minnesota Trucking Association move forward. Together, we continue to effectively influence policy, support education and advance the success of the Minnesota trucking industry.
Keep this directory close at hand and use it as a regular resource.
We're here to help!
Our staff stands ready to help you: (651) 646-7351
The Annual Membership Directory is a benefit provided to MTA members. A username and password is required to access the directory. If you have any questions or need to setup a username and password please email mta@mntruck.org