The MTA Safety Council is the only Minnesota organization dedicated to advancing safe policies, practices, technology, effective risk management and accident/injury prevention in the trucking industry. The MTA Safety Council also addresses trucking’s unique human resource challenges, health and wellness issues, as well as recruitment and retention strategies.
Through meetings, programs and committees, the Council fosters relationships and delivers the latest in relevant information to enhance the success of safety professionals and the companies they represent. Membership is on an individual basis and open to anyone who is affiliated with an MTA member company.
Become a Safety Council Member!
A MTA fleet Safety Council Membership is different than your company MTA Membership. Safety Council Membership is for individuals from MTA member companies. Membership registration is currently available for the Sept 2024 - May 2025 program year.
The Individual Membership: $245.00
All Team Access Membership: $599.00
First year as a MTA Safety Council Member?
Use the promo code safetyfirst for 15% off an individual or all-team membership!
Must be purchased by October 31 of the current program year.

Official Compliance Sponsor
Click HERE to purchase J.J. Keller safety & compliance
products through MTA at a discount!
The Safety Council meets once per month during the program year at 3:00pm at the Double Tree in Roseville.
You may register to attend in-person or virtual via Zoom.
Non-Safety Council members from MTA member companies can attend individual meetings for $35 per meeting.​