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2025 Minnesota
Truck Driving

June 14, 2025

Blaine Brothers TruckAline

9515 150th Avenue NE, Columbus, MN 55025




Any questions? Call 651-646-7351 opt 1 or email



The Minnesota Truck Driving Championships is a competition of professional truck drivers hosted each year by the Minnesota Trucking Association.  


Drivers compete in one of nine classes – Straight Truck, Flatbed, Three Axle, Four Axle, Five Axle, Tank, Twin Trailer, Sleeper Berth and Step Van


Each driver has a chance to demonstrate his or her driving and inspection skills, knowledge and professionalism through a series of tests. The drivers undergo a written examination, pre-trip inspection test and finally, the most visible - the skills test on the driving course.   


Winners in each class go on to compete in the American Trucking Association’s National Truck Driving Championships in Minneapolis, MN, August 20-23, 2025.


The NTDC and affiliated state TDCs like the Minnesota Truck Driving Championships are considered one of the industry’s largest and most effective safety programs. These annual competitions inspire tens of thousands of drivers to operate accident-free for the right to compete.


There are many great reasons for companies to register their drivers to compete at TDC:


  • The TDC is a great incentive for professional truck drivers to operate safely, because they must be accident-free for at least one year prior to the competition. Many of the competitors have millions of accident-free driving miles to their credit.

  • When asked, professional drivers will tell you that they are drawn to the Championships by the spirit of competition and by the prestige of being named the best of the best.

  • It is described by drivers as being like the Olympics, where they come to win but revel in the camaraderie and excitement.

  • Competing drivers feel a sense of pride and achievement, which creates good driver morale and positive attitudes among employees and with customers.

  • Companies can take pride in their drivers’ achievements and recognize their excellence both on and off the road.  This builds good relationships between the company and its drivers, which translates into driver retention.

  • As a family event, it lifts up truck driving as a good career choice and presents a positive image of the truck driver and the trucking industry.

  • It’s fun, and builds company pride to have a rooting section at the TDC cheering on your drivers.

Drive Eligibilit



To be eligible, a driver must certify:


  • Since June 14, 2024, continuously employed (away from work no more than 30 days) as a truck or step van driver by present employer that is an MTA member motor carrier fleet.  If your company is NOT currently an MTA member and you have drivers that want to participate this year, email for membership information.

  • Since June 14, 2024, driven and performed the regular duties of a truck or step van driver.

  • Since June 14, 2024, not been involved in a preventable fleet motor vehicle or motor carrier vehicle accident, regardless of fault.  Non-preventable accidents do not impact eligibility, but you must submit the review form directly to ATA and let MTA know the outcome of the ATA's review. Download Accident Eligibility Document  

  • Have the proper class CDL or DL plus required endorsements for class of competition.

  • Hold a CDL (DL if SVDC) from or have been occupationally domiciled in the state of Minnesota. Occupational domiciled is defined as the terminal, garage or other operating base from which the driver normally works, is supervised and/or where employer is corporately headquartered.


Eligibility Reminders:


  • Owner-Operators are not eligible to compete in the TDC program unless they are contracted to a single company.

  • Those who drive professionally and also serve as driver trainers are required to spend 60% of their time serving as a professional driver (behind the wheel) and must perform the regular duties of a professional truck driver for a minimum of 1200 hours annually

  • The requirement for 12 months of continuous employment with the entering employer may be waived with respect to a driver who is otherwise eligible and whose change of employment arises solely from their motor carrier employer going out of business. Drivers must maintain all other eligibility requirements, including performing the duties of a professional driver for at least 11 out of the past 12 months and no time away beyond an aggregate of 30 calendar days.


*Please email with driver eligibility or membership questions.​






BEFORE you begin registration, make sure you have all the required documents and driver information.  This year there are NO restrictions on the number of drivers an MTA member company may enter in each class of competition. However, if the total number of drivers registered for TDC from one MTA member company exceeds 50% of the total number of drivers registered, if requested by MTA, the MTA Member Company must reduce their number of registrations.  Each driver must have the proper endorsement to compete in the desired class of competition and meet all other MTA Truck Driving Championships eligibility requirements.  Deadline to register is May 30, 2025.  Contact with online registration issues.


If your company is NOT currently an MTA member and you have drivers that want to participate this year, email for membership information.


Nine Class Competition Options:

Straight Truck, Flatbed, Three Axle, Four Axle, Five Axle, Tank, Twin Trailer, Sleeper Berth and Step Van


Before entering the registration system have the following completed:

  • ATA Form TR1 & TR2 (Saved as PDF) Click link to download 

  • Headshot of Driver (Saved as JPEG)

  • Current driver MVR (Saved as PDF)

  • Know Driver Name Spelling and Phonetic Pronunciation, Email Address, Phone #, and Home Address


DRIVER ENTRY FEE: $250.00 per driver

The $250.00 Driver Entry Fee includes:  One (1) "Facts for Drivers" Handbook, One (1) MN TDC Patch, One (1) ATA Patch, One (1) 2024 TDC Hat, breakfast and lunch during the competition, and two tickets to the evening banquet.  You can purchase additional quantities of these items in driver registration.


Company Tents:

Companies may reserve a spot for their own 10x10 tent or rent a tent through MTA. 

[Email to rent a tent through MTA]


Banquet Tickets:

The Driver receives 2 complimentary banquet tickets with registration.  You can purchase additional banquet tickets in the driver registration system or via banquet registration button. Banquet tickets must be purchased in advance.   $50 per adult.  $25 per child (12 and under).  Dress is casual. 




Hotel Options: 

There is not a room block.

Holiday Inn Express & Suites St. Paul NE (attached to banquet venue)

Fairfield Inn & Suites St. Paul Northeast Marriott (across street from banquet venue)

Running Aces (across the highway from competition site) 




6:30 a.m.  Volunteer Check-in & Breakfast Service

7:00 a.m.  Driver Check-in @ Registration Tent 

7:30 a.m.  Opening Ceremonies

8:00 a.m.  Driver Written Exam

9:00 a.m.  Driving Course Orientation

9:30 a.m.  Silent Driving Course Walk-through by Class

10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Lunch Service 

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Driving Course Competition & Pre-Trip Exam

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.    Site Cleanup

5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.    Awards Banquet [Jimmy's, 1132 Co Rd E East, Vadnais Heights, MN 55110]

                                            5:00 p.m.  Reception 

                                            6:00 p.m.  Program

                                            8:00 p.m.  Winner photos immediately following the banquet​



Help support the safest drivers in Minnesota

by volunteering at the Minnesota Truck Driving Championships.


Interested in Volunteering? Email with area(s) of interest


*Must be 18 years or older to volunteer

*Committee member will contact you to confirm assignment


Choose from the following areas:

Setup - Friday setup from noon to 5:00 p.m.

Tear Down - Saturday course tear down from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Class Director - help drivers navigate the event

Concessions - help with cooler refills, lunch orders, and trash collection

Judging - located on each course problem, time drivers, and complete scoring form

Equipment - move equipment at event - CDL required 

Course - help with driving course

Pre-trip Inspections - help set defects, judge and time drivers

Check-In Table - help check-in drivers (6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.)

First Aid - EMS certification preferred 

Event Safety - help execute the Safety Plan

No Preference​





This event is located outside at Blaine Brothers TruckAline in Columbus, MN

Please park in designated Spectator Parking.


Attendees do NOT need to register to attend the competition.

Lunch will be available for purchase onsite.

Bring a camping chair OR sit on the bleachers (limited seating)


Spectators must pre-register online for the banquet

Banquet Tickets: $50 per adult, $25 per child (12 and under)

Banquet Location: Jimmy's, 1132 Co Rd E East, Vadnais Heights, MN 55110





Driver Resources




Driving Course Rules


Award Plaques

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Driver Supporters

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Driver Friends

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